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Commissioned imported foam board production line

  Product name: Foam board production line

Commissioned imported foam board production line

I. Operation process:
  After receiving the order, sign the purchase and sales contract with foreign countries, prepare the contract, agency agreement and our company qualification, so that the customer can file the contract with the Internal Revenue Service within five days。
  Learn about foam board production lines made up of those that primarily have independent functionsMechanical equipmentComposition, what is the name of the equipment, the working principle, the use, the value, the control method, the brand, the equipment picture, the whole production line working flow chart。
  According to these specific information, summarize the product tax number。After the goods are sent out, our company begins to prepare customs declaration documents normally, and release them after customs approval。
  A complete set of machinery and equipment importedHave to go to the local inspection and quarantine bureau for inspection,After arranging delivery of the goods to the factory,The factory cannot be used without inspection,Contact the Inspection and Quarantine Bureau,Prepare all the inspection documents to the inspection and Quarantine Bureau,Pay the inspection and quarantine fee,Then contact the teacher to do the inspection to the factory inspection,After the teacher has done the test, if there is no problem, you can use it。


Focus on import customs clearance agent, agent import documents, ATA document declaration, temporary import and export agency services, export agent, export declaration, international freight forwarders;Please contact us at 400-888-0577 。 | Imported foam board production line  
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